Sunday, January 31, 2010

Diary Entry - Imaging yourself as Mary Maloney

Dear diary,

I am feeling both guilty and nervous. I had just committed murder a few hours ago. My husband, Patrick had told me that he wanted to leave me when he came home. I was stunned and shocked at his words. I felt hurt and angry. How could Patrick be so unfaithful to me? How could he bear to leave me and our baby?

I was so upset that I used the frozen lamb’s leg to smash his skull. I could not control my emotions at all. After that, I was in a dilemma and did not know what to do.

To save myself and the baby, I decided that I would act as normal as possible an dto cover up the incident. Therefore, I went up to my room to practice my speech on what I wanted to say to the grocer, Sam. Everything went fine. When I came home, I found Patrick lying on the floor unconscious. I rushed towards him and began crying my heart out naturally.

Right after, I dialled for the police. I told them that I found Patrick dead and they assured me that they would arrive soon.

While waiting for the police to arrive, I felt that I was right in killing Patrick. Was I wrong to kill him? Why did he betray me? Why did he want to leave me and the baby? Did he not love me? Did he not care for the baby? How could he bear to dump me and the baby? Why is he so heartless? All I did was to keep Patrick with my baby and me. Is that wrong?

The police came quickly and when I opened the door, I saw two of Patrick’s friends-Jack Noonan and O’Malley. I fell into Jack’s arms instantaneously. I then asked if Patrick was dead. “Yes,” came the reply.

While investigating the scene, I offered the detectives a drink. I also offered them the lamb which was in the oven. After much persuasion, they accepted my offer.

After destroying the evidence which was used to kill Patrick, the policemen left. I felt extremely relieved. I hope that they would never be able to find the culprit so that I would not be jailed or hanged. I want to be able to look after my baby after he is born. I want him to have a mother. I want to be there watching him grow up. I will not desert him like Patrick.

Signing off,

Monday, January 18, 2010

My First LA Lesson In The Computer Lab

Today , Mr Lundberg , my Language Arts(LA) teacher , brought us to the computer lab. He gave us three assignments. Firstly, we had to create a blog. Next, everyone had to create a facebook account. We also had to do a quiz on what our preferred methods of learning was.

As I had created a blog before , the first task was not too difficult for me. I also have an existing Facebook account, so I did not have to create a new one. The quiz was quite a difficult one, as there were many questions that I was not sure what my answers would be. After the quiz , a pie chart was shown as the above diagram.

The pie chart was used to show what kinds of learnng methods suited us most. I felt that it would be very useful to me next time. I also agreed with the informaton of the pie chart, as it was able to accurately describe the learning methods which suited me best. I also had quite a hard time trying to browse the screen shot but I managed to in the end.

Today's lesson was fun and extremely interesting. I hope that Mr Lundberg would take us to the computer lab more often.