Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog Post 30 - Will same-sex marriage ever be legalized in Singapore?

I feel that the chances of same-sex marriage to be legalized in Singapore is very low. This is due to the fact that Singapore is continuously facing a decreasing birth rate and the fact that Singaporeans are very Asian-cultured and they will not be easily influenced by western countries' thinking.

The fact that Singapore is continuously facing a decreasing birth rate is an important reason why same-sex marriage is very unlikely to be legalized in Singapore. This is because in same-sex marriages, couples are unable to produce any babies. This will result in less babies produced, and Singapore's birth rate will continue to fall even more. Since the government is encouraging Singaporean couples to have more children, the government would not legalize same-sex marriage in Singapore.

Secondly, Singaporeans are very Asian-cultured and they will not be easily influenced by the western countries' practice nowadays. Singaporeans usually follow a certain tradition, and the tradition is that marriages should not be same-sex marriages. The Chinese traditional practice is for a man to marry a woman, and the more babies they have, the better. However, same-sex marriages are unable to fulfill the wishes of the tradition. The government hope for Singaporeans to be filial these days, thus the government is unlikely to legalize same-sex marriage.

The above two reasons are why I think that the chances of same-sex marriages to be legalized in Singapore is very low.

1 comment:

  1. Some interesting points here, Etienne, and nicely elaborated, but you're missing evidence that can back up your statements.

    I think you're also making some incorrect assumptions with this statement: "This is because in same-sex marriages, couples are unable to produce any babies. This will result in less babies produced, and Singapore's birth rate will continue to fall even more." Gays and lesbians are not biologically having babies anyway; giving them the right to legally marry each other won't affect population numbers either way unless they adopt (in which case they'll go up, not down).

    What does "Asian-cultured" mean? It looks like you're trying to equate "Confucian values" with "Asian values," which doesn't really work. Asia is HUGE, will lots of countries full of people with diverse opinions, so be sure you narrow down your wording here. (And please don't equate "heterosexual" with "filial"; this implies that gay men and women cannot be filial, which is not the case.)

    Also, have you taken into account that the current government won't always be the government? I think you're right to say that they take a very conservative approach here, but politicians may rise through the ranks in coming years that have a more progressive attitude. Just look at the recent General Election, and you can sense that change is in the air. It may not happen soon, but it may happen someday.

    Btw, this entry is not quite long enough yet; it clocks in at only 244 words. Please go back and revise to get it up to the minimum of 350.
