Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog Post 28 - Was the decision to assassinate bin Laden rather than bring him to trial a justified one?

Yes, the decision to assassinate bin Laden rahter than bring him to trial was a justified decision. Osama was an extremely cruel and heartless terrorist who has caused many people to lose their lives. He spare no thought for others. He was extremely selfish, and he killed without even blinking his eye. Take the 9-11 incident as an example. Osama bin Laden was the one who was in charge of that sucide incident. That incident killed thousands of innocent people. Surely he deserved death, after all the harm he has brought to this world. If he were to escape that night, the US army might have to search for another few years before capturing him again. Therefore, I feel that the decision to assassinate bin Laden rather than bringing him to trial is a justified one.

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