Wednesday, January 19, 2011

LA ACE Blog Post 1

Yes, I have. I am in the Wushu national team, and during the June holidays, we had to train twice per day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. In between, we had a three hour break where we would eat our lunch and rest before the next training starts.

Whenever we went out as a group for lunch, there would be a member of our group who was 'austrasized' by the others. The group would insult him and call him names. However, the victim would only keep quiet and ignore their unkind remarks. The victim suffered in silence, but the group continued to bully him verbally.

I felt really sad for the victim, and I told my friends to stop being so bad to him, but they just told me that they were just having fun. They also told me that he was actually very irritating and said bad things about people behind their back. They said that I should just ignore him and told me that he was not worth my pity.

Even though I felt sorry for the victim and tried my best to help him, there was nothing I could say that would make my friends stop bullying him. Even when I tried talking to him, he would just keep quiet or nod his head in silence. I hope that my friends would stop bullying him as I feel that he had not done anything wrong to deserve this kind of treatment.

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