Sunday, February 27, 2011

LA ACE Blog Post 6 - Favourite Neighbourhood Photo

1.The greenery of the park attracted people of all ages to come here and enjoy the cool morning breeze.

2.Sitting on the black seat of the swing, the teenage girl start swinging high into the air.

3.The rustling of the silver chain of the swing could be heard as the boy started swinging higher and higher.

4.Dead brown leaves could be seen scattered all over the grass.

1.The lush greenery made the park look as if there was a playground in the middle of a forest, and people of all ages were attracted to come here and enjoy the cool morning breeze.

2.The whistle of the wind caused the silver chain of the swing to make a rustling sound, making it sound as if the chain was whispering.

The lush greenery made the park look as if there was a playground in the middle of a forest, and people of all ages were attracted to come here and enjoy the cool morning breeze, laughter of happy children filled the air, the atmosphere was so relaxed and the air was only filled with happiness.

The cool morning breeze blew, caressing the faces of the people in the park. The sun shone brightly in the azure blue sky. The lush greenery made the park look as if there was a playground in the middle of a forest and it was so inviting that people from all walks of life went there on that Sunday morning to relax and enjoy.

Laughter and happiness filled the air. Children played on swings and slided down the slides. The elderly talked to one another and did some taichi exercises. Parents took this as a chance to take a break from their busy life and spent quality time with their children.

Dead brown leaves were lying all over the grass. The trees stood tall and provided shade for the park-goers. On a Sunday morning, this was the peaceful atmosphere at the park. It is certainly good to take a break from our fast-paced life and relax once in a while.

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